5 Things You Must Never Do Before You Get a Massage
5 Things You Must Never Do Before You Get a Massage
A massage in AZ doesn't require you to do anything except relax. You'll want to avoid certain things in order to enjoy the benefits of massage therapy.
Water is fine, but alcoholic beverages are a no-no. Barbara Wilson, a licensed masseuse at the Spa At PGA National in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida warns that your body may move toxins during a massage. Therefore, any ill effects from alcohol could be magnified. You should be well hydrated before your massage.
2. Sunbathe
While it is hard to avoid this on vacation, experts recommend that you keep the day of your massage out in direct sunlight to prevent sunburn. Sunburn can make your skin very sensitive. Wilson says that you don't want anyone rubbing your sunburnt skin.
3. Feeling sick?
You can't always control your immune system, so it's best to cancel your Massage if you are feeling unwell. John Tanner is a licensed massage therapist and PGA National Spa therapist. "Massaging can spread an infection to other parts of your body if you are sick." "It's best for everyone to cancel with at least 24-hour notice and reschedule when you feel better.
4. Self-groom
There is no reason to make yourself look fancy before you get your massage. Valerie Cario, a "celebrity", massage therapist, can be booked through Massage Mesa - Massage-on-Demand APP. "No one cares how your hair looks." It's okay to not have a pedicure in a couple of weeks.
5. Shower
While you may have the best intentions, a hot shower before your massage is not recommended. Hot showers right before your massage will increase circulation and help you sweat through the session.
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Mesa Az
(480) 992 5050