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Important Tips For Seniors Living Alone

Apr 27

Living alone is a wonderful experience for many seniors, but it comes with unique safety risks. Elderly persons who live alone are at greater risk of injury, especially falls, and a fall can be life-threatening for an elderly person. Fortunately, there are some simple Safety tips for seniors living alone that can help ensure their safety in the home.

A medical alert system is a great way for elderly persons to have an emergency response system that will call family, friends and emergency services in the event of a fall or other incident. They are easy to use, activate and can provide a much-needed sense of security for older adults who live alone.

Ensure Homes Are Fall-Proof

One of the biggest dangers for senior citizens who live alone is falling. This can result in serious injuries such as broken bones, head trauma and even death depending on the circumstances. Thankfully, there are many things that can be done to reduce the risk of falling in the home, from removing trip hazards to installing grab bars in the bathroom.

First, perform a safety assessment in the home to remove any items that pose a risk of tripping and falling. This includes loose rugs, electrical cords and any clutter that can cause a slip or trip. It is also important to make sure all rooms are properly lit, that stairs have handrails and that floors and staircases are free of obstructions.

It is a good idea for seniors to have a friend or family member who lives nearby and will check on them occasionally. This can be done by arranging for them to visit and to discuss what needs to be done in the house, like cleaning or shopping. It can also be done by implementing a safety check-in system, where the friend or family member will contact a medical alert company if they haven’t heard from the senior within a set number of days.

Organize Home for Accessibility

When it comes to accessibility, it’s important for seniors to organize their home so that frequently used items are easily accessible. This could include food in pantries and closets, clothing in dressers or hanging clothes racks, power outlets in hallways and bedrooms and car keys (if they still drive) near the door. Oftentimes, these items are tucked away in corners or behind furniture where they can be hard to reach without having to climb on a stool or ladder.

In addition, it’s important for seniors to have a disaster kit in their home in case of blackouts or a natural disaster. This should contain candles, a flashlight, water, canned food and extra blankets. It is also a good idea for seniors to have sanitizer and first aid supplies in the event of an injury. Finally, it is a good idea for seniors to have an emergency contacts list in their phone that they can easily access. This can be as simple as adding a friend or loved ones phone number to their speed dial.